Business English Certificate 1
Sách, giáo trình chính phần 1
1- Market Leader Book 1, Course Book, Elementary Business English By David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent. New Edition,2005.
2- John Rogers “MARKET LEADER – Practice File, Elementary Business English”, 2005.
3- Longman Basic English Dictionary
Nội dung môn học
Unit 1: Introductions
1.1. Vocabulary: 1,2
1.2. Reading: Describing people
1.3. Language focus 1,2
1.4. Case study 1: Aloha in Hawaii
Unit 2: Work and leisure
2.1. Vocabulary: 1,2
2.2. Reading: Describing your routine
2.3. Language focus 1,2
2.4. Case study 2: Independent Film Company
Unit 3: Problems
3.1. Vocabulary: Adjective
3.2. Reading: Dealing with problems at work
3.3. Language focus: 1,2
3.4. Case study 3: Blue Horizon
Unit 4: Travel
4.1. Vocabulary: Travel details
4.2. Reading: Business hotels
4.3. Language focus: 1,2
4.4. Case study 4: Pacific Hotel
Unit 5: Food and entertaining
5.1. Vocabulary: Eating out
5.2. Reading: Tipping
5.3. Language focus: 1,2
5.4. Case study 5: Which restaurant?
Unit 6: Sales
6.1. Vocabulary: Buying and selling
6.2. Reading: Thirsty for success?
6.3. Language focus: 1,2
6.4. Case study 6: Link-up Ltd
Unit 7: People
7.1. Vocabulary: Describing people
7.2. Reading: Stella McCartney
7.3. Language focus: 1,2
7.4. Case study 7: A people problem
Unit 8: Market
8.1. Vocabulary: Types of market
8.2. Reading: The car market in China
8.3. Language focus: 1,2
8.4. Case study 8: Cara Cosmetics
Unit 9: Companies
9.1. Vocabulary: Describing companies
9.2. Reading: LVMH
9.3. Language focus: 1,2
9.4. Case study 9: You and your company
– E-mails
– Telephone messages
– Lists
– Faxes
– Memos
Sách, giáo trình chính phần 2
1- Market Leader Book 2, Course Book, Pre-Intermediate Business English By David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent. New Edition ,2005
2- John Rogers. “MARKET LEADER – Practice File, Pre-Intermediate Business English”, 2005.
3- Bertha J. Naterop, Erich Weis and Eva Haberfellner. “BUSINESS LETTERS FOR ALL” . Oxford University Press. 1998
4- Christopher Goddard “BUSINESS IDIOMS INTERNATIONAL”, 1995
5- Longman Business English Dictionary
Nội dung môn học
Unit 1: Careers
1.1. Vocabulary: Career moves
1.2. Reading: Female Train Driver
Unit 2: Selling online
2.1. Vocabulary: Shopping online
2.2. Reading: Virtual pocket money
Unit 3: Companies
3.1. Vocabulary: Company vocabulary
3.2. Reading: Company website
Unit 4: Great ideas
4.1. Vocabulary: Verb and noun combinations
4.2. Reading: Three great ideas
Unit 5: Stress
5.1. Vocabulary: Stress in the workplace
5.2. Reading: A career change
Unit 6: Entertaining
6.1. Vocabulary: Eating and drinking
6.2. Reading: Corporate entertaining in Japan
Unit 7: Marketing
7.1. Vocabulary: Word partnerships
7.2. Reading: Selling dreams
Unit 8: Planning
8.1. Vocabulary: Ways to plan
8.2. Reading: Planning for tourism
Unit 9: Managing people
9.1. Vocabulary: Verbs and prepositions
9.2. Reading: Managing across cultures
Unit 10: Conflict
10.1. Vocabulary: Word building
10.2. Reading: Negotiating across cultures
Unit 11: New business
11.1. Vocabulary: Economic terms
11.2. Reading: Developing a new industry
Unit 12: Products
12.1. Vocabulary: Describing products
12.2. Reading: Launching a new product
– Letters
– Memos
– Notice
– Faxes
Business English Certificate 2
Sách, giáo trình chính
1- Market Leader Book 3, Course Book, Intermediate Business English By David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent. New Edition,2005.
2- John Rogers “MARKET LEADER – Practice File, Intermediate Business English”, 2005.
3- Bertha J. Naterop, Erich Weis and Eva Haberfellner. “BUSINESS LETTERS FOR ALL”. Oxford University Press. 1998
4- Christopher Goddard. “BUSINESS IDIOMS INTERNATIONAL”. 1995
5- The Longman Business English Dictionary
Nội dung môn học
Unit 1: Brands
1.1. Vocabulary: Brand management
1.2. Reading: Outsourcing production
1.3. Discussion: Two promotions
1.4. Case Study 1: Caferoma
1.5. Writing: e-mail
Unit 2: Travel
2.1. Vocabulary: British and American English
2.2. Reading: Air rage
2.3. Language review: Talking about the future
2.4. Case Study 2: Work, rest and play
2.5. Writing: e-mail
Unit 3: Organisation
3.1. Vocabulary: Company structure
3.2.Reading: A successful organization
3.3. Language review: Noun combination
3.4. Case Study 3: Auric Bank
3.5. Writing: Report
Unit 4: Money
4.1. Vocabulary: Financial terms
4.2.Reading: Reporting financial success
4.3. Language review: Describing trends
4.4. Case Study 4: Angel investments
4.5. Writing: e-mail
Unit 5: Advertising
5.1. Vocabulary: Advertising media and methods
5.2.Reading: Successful advertising
5.3. Language review: Articles
5.4. Case Study 5: Focus Advertising
5.5. Writing: Summary
Unit 6: Culture
6.1. Vocabulary: Idioms
6.2.Reading: Cultural advice
6.3. Language review: Advice, obligation and necessity
6.4. Case Study 6: Visitors from China
6.5. Writing: e-mail
Unit 7: Trade
7.1. Vocabulary: Free trade
7.2.Reading: Fair trade
7.3. Language review: Conditions
7.4. Case Study 7: Ashbury Guitars
7.5. Writing: e-mail
Unit 8: Quality
8.1. Vocabulary: Quality control and customer service
8.2.Reading: Old-fashioned quality
8.3. Language review: Gerunds and Infinitives
8.4. Case Study 8: Brookfield Airport
8.5. Writing: Report
Unit 9: Competition
9.1. Vocabulary: Competition Idioms
9.2.Reading: Losing competitive edge
9.3. Language review: Modals of probability
9.4. Case Study 9: Beverley Watches
9.5. Writing: e-mail
Further Readings
– Change in retailing
– Retaining goad staff
– Responsible business
– The founder of Ikea
– Innovation at Procter and Gamble
Presentations for case study (Market Leader Book 3)
– Case Study 1: Caferoma
– Case Study 2: Work, rest and play
– Case Study 3: Auric Bank
– Case Study 4: Angel investments
– Case Study 5: Focus Advertising
– Case Study 6: Visitors from China
– Case Study 7: Ashbury Guitars
– Case Study 8: Brookfield Airport
– Case Study 9: Beverley Watches
Business English Certificate 3
Sách, giáo trình chính phần 1
1- Market Leader, Course Book, Upper Intermediate Business English, By David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent. New Edition, 2005.
2- John Rogers. “MARKET LEADER-Practice File, Pre-Intermediate Business English”, 2005.
3- Bertha J.Naterop, Erich Weis and Eva Haberfellner. “BUSINESS LETTERS FOR ALL”. Oxford University Press, 1998
4- Christoppher Goddard. “BUSINESS IDIOMS INTERNATIONAL”, 1995
Nội dung môn học
Unit 1: Communication
1.1. Vocabulary: Good communicators
1.2. Reading: Internal communication
Unit 2: International marketing
2.1. Vocabulary: Collocations
2.2. Reading: Coffee culture
Unit 3: Building relationships
3.1. Vocabulary: Describing relations
3.2. Reading: Relationships in a global market
Unit 4: Success
4.1. Vocabulary: Prefixes
4.2. Reading: Steve jobs
Unit 5: Job satisfaction
5.1. Vocabulary: Synonyms and word building
5.2. Reading: Perks that work
Unit 6: Risk
6.1. Vocabulary: Describing risk
6.2. Reading: Planing for the future
Unit 7: E-commerce
7.1. Vocabulary: Internet terms
7.2. Reading: Internet shoppings
Unit 8: Team building
8.1. Vocabulary: Prefixes
8.2. Reading: The key to sucessful team building
Unit 9: Raising finance
9.1. Vocabulary: Idioms
9.2. Reading: Raising finance
Unit 10: Customer service
10.1. Vocabulary: Handling complaints
10.2. Reading: Customers first
Unit 11: Crisis management
11.1. Vocabulary: Noun phrases with and without of
11.2. Reading: Keeping your client relationship afloat
Unit 12: Management styles
12.1. Vocabulary: Management qualities
12.2. Reading: Management styles
Unit 13: Takeovers and mergers
13.1. Vocabulary: Describing takeovers and mergers
13.2. Reading: Making a corporate marriage work
Unit 14: The future of business
14.1. Vocabulary: Describing the future
14.2. Reading: New working mod
Sách, giáo trình chính phần 2
1- Market Leader, Course Book, Advanced Business English, By David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent. New Edition, 2005.
2- John Rogers. “MARKET LEADER-Practice File, Pre-Intermediate Business English”, 2005.
3- Bertha J.Naterop, Erich Weis and Eva Haberfellner. “BUSINESS LETTERS FOR ALL”. Oxford University Press, 1998
4- Christoppher Goddard. “BUSINESS IDIOMS INTERNATIONAL”, 1995
Nội dung môn học
Unit 1: Being international
1.1. Vocabulary: Part D (Page 7)
1.2. Reading and language: International presentation
Unit 2: Training
2.1. Vocabulary: Part D and E (Page 15)
2.2. Time to break out from campus
Unit 3: Partnerships
3.1. Part D (Page 23)
3.2. Reading and language: Infrastucture: Experience of the 1990s has put people off
Unit 4: Energy
4.1. Vocabulary: Part E (Page 35)
4.2. Reading and language: A dream of a hydrogen economy
Unit 5: Employment trends
5.1. Vocabulary: Part E (Page 43)
5.2. Reading and language: India: call centres ring the changes
Unit 6: Business ethics
6.1. Vocabulary: Part F (Page 51)
6.2. Reading and language: Corporate responsibility without the waffle
Unit 7: Finance and banking
7.1. Vocabulary: Part B (Page 62)
7.2. Reading and language: Marconi repays £669m of debt
Unit 8: Consultants
8.1. Vocabulary: Part E (Page 71)
8.2. Reading and language: Could it be you when they need an expert?
Unit 9: Strategy
9.1. Vocabulary: Growth mode
9.2. Reading and language: Growth mode
Unit 10: Doing business online
10.1. Vocabulary: Part C ( Page 90 & 91)
10.2. Reading and language: Net gains on the shop front
Unit 11: New business
11.1. Vocabulary: Part B & H (Page 98 &99)
11.2. Reading and language: The bruises of the bandwagon
Unit 12: Project management
12.1. Vocabulary: Part E (Page 107)
12.2. Reading and language: Not enough good project managers